Monday, February 27, 2006


I would just like to report on another decent homemade curry job i had last friday. This time the sauce was a korma from homepride, and that tasted pretty much like the real thing too. Man these jar-ed sauces are good. got to get some more.

i would also like to take this opportunity to say congratulations to those who were brave enough to indulge in a bit of karoke at the weekend. Loz and cath went out of their way to inject a bit of life into a night which was mostly taken up by strange old men singing depressing italian dirges with an accordian playing in the background. The host-guy was sufficiently moved so that he then started pole-dancing in the background. im just glad it was in the background. Tom and ad then got the call about 3 songs later, and brought tears to our eyes as they sang their way through an emotional 'kiss from a rose'. I wont say why we had tears in our eyes. Mind you, tom got his first taste of stardom after we took our seats again. one of the older female patrons, passing by our table on the way to the lavs, caught sight of us and began gushing praise all over tom. She continued gushing praise on her way back from the lavs, and got so excited that she slapped an innocent punter who was leaning against the bar to tell him that here, indeed, was a star.

Frantic speculation swiftly followed as to how much she'd had that night.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The 4 thing.

The 4 thing
Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:
1. paperboy - early mornings for 3 months - it nearly did me in.
2. worked in roys chip shop for 5 weeks when i was 14 - communication problems with roy meant that instead of gently placing the chicken in the deep fat fryer, i threw it in from a height of about 2 feet and jumped back in horror as the fat exploded in front of me.
3.worked in oasis when it was a bookshop as well as a cafe.
4. sainsburys - for thlast 5 and a half years

Four Movies I can watch over and over:
1. A few good men
2. Indiana jones - well, i used to be able to
3. romeo and juliet - i like the way theyve juxtaposed the old language with the contemporary locations
4. Bill and teds excellent adventure.

Four Places I have lived:
1. Kingswood
2. kingswood
3. kingswood
4. kingswood

Four TV Shows I love to watch:
1. match of the day
2. have i got news for you
3. QI
4. the apprentice

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Australia
2. boston
3. lake garda
4. isle of wight - love it man

Four websites I visit daily:
3. ?
4. ?

Four of my favourite foods:
1. Chicken curry - most sorts
2. chilli
3. roast
4. moussaka - its got to be done norm

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. somewhere warm
2. somewhere hot
3. any place is ok as long as Gods with you
4. although some are better than others

Four people I am tagging:
1. dunno whos been tagged so here goes - sara
2. kt
3. Daz
4. Just


To the blog world at large, is anyopne learning to drive? You see, i have 2 L-plates - the magnetic variety - used only once! - so if anyone would like to take them off my hands then do say.
Ha ha! The timings should be right! This'll put an end to all that middle-of-the-night nonsense!

Drowning in kingswood, and sweet spuds!

Right then, i can finally settle down and write a reasonably long entry again! I know ive kept you all waiting but hey! Absence only makes the heart grow fonder!

Just for gem, who thinks i've got a bit of a fixation with checking my blog in the middle of the night, i repeat my last message - i do not, repeat do not, check my blog at any time between 10pm and 10am the following morning. Now, can we move on please?!

So, to recent events. Well, i think one particularly noteworthy thing of recent days has to have been our church services on sun. That may sound a bit funny but i think they were seriously good. God just turned up and i for one was seriously blessed to have been there.

Suppose yesterday threw up an unusual event for me; the dentist!! His room is on the top floor (out of 3 floors) in the kingswood dentist place. Hes quite an interesting guy really. Hes prob about 35, looks like a student, wears jeans, is quite lanky but looks quite intelligent, and hes also got a friendly sort of manner. Reminds me of phil actually. He didnt do much to my teeth except scrape a bit of plaque off at the bottom on the front and at the top on the sides. It cost £15! To have your teeth cleaned! Cost me £5 last time. When he was scraping the plaque off though he got his assistant to squirt this stuff into my mouth at the same time, kind of like some cleaning liquid i imagine, and then it kind of gets sucked back up using the same nozzle thing that it comes out of. This time i handled it all quite well. But i remember last time i went back in the summer, and i'd never had it done before and so i didn't have a clue what this woman was doing, pumping loads of water stuff into my mouth, i was a little bit all over the place cos, well, to be quite honest, my mouth can only contain so much water before i have to start swallowing, and i was kind of getting near the stage where id have to either swallow or drown on the dentists chair. I actually spat it out, much to the disgust of my then dentist. But honestly, they could warn you couldn't they? I mean, i dont really expect to have to deal with the possibility of drowning at 9.oo in the morning in my local dentists.

What is the best way of eating a sweet potato? Mashed. Definitely. You dont really want to be eating the things on their own. I had one the other day, sort of next to the normal potatoes on my plate, and it was just a bit much to stomach really. But then yesterday my mum mashed it with some corned beef hash stuff, and you just couldnt tell it was there! Great stuff. Come to that, thats my key to eating foods which are on your plate which you really dont like - cut them up really small, and stick it with a bit of spud, or something else on your plate that you like.

Monday, February 20, 2006

hello once again. For all those of you who think i get up early to write my blogs, the time is now 2.06 PM, i stress PM. the sun is shining and my heart is warm with affection for you all. well maybe sort of. i was going to write something else but ive ran out of time again

Friday, February 17, 2006

uh, i'll write something a bit more interesting when ive got the time.

thanks lozza!

Hey folks. The appearance of a few groovy new links on my blog are due entirely to the handiwork of loz, who kindly put them there for me. Ive got to get a few more on there but ill do that when ive got more time. Thanks to the queen of the blog!

I hope im not going overboard here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

no dinner?

well, things are going kinda well lately. in some respects. not everything though. ive been doin a bit of tidying lately in the storeroom and stuff so its a bit easier to find things now. i cant believe loz just left and went up the road for her dinner without asking me if i wanted anything though. some people!

(only joking loz, im not that offended!)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Hey there folks, back again. i'd just like to comment upon my day yesterday. I got up. I had breakfast. I went to work, which was actually quite alright, certainly a lot better than sitting at home all day. and then after work i went to a simple minds gig. Oh yes. Thats right. A simple minds gig. In birmingham. Very good it was too. The place was actually packed out and i can understand how the tuna feel when they're packed in together. It was in the carling academy somewhere in the middle of town, and the actual place inside is very similar to the one in bristol, only a bit bigger. If the one in bristol can hold say, 750 people, this one can probably take about 1000-1200. It was a decent size. But the gig itself was actually great. the support band who were on first of all - whose name i dont know cos they didnt bother to introduce themselves-duh! - weren't all that great actually, and so its probably just as well i dont know their name cos now i cant warn anybody not to go and see them. They did alright i spose, there was only 3 of them - drums, bass and guitar - who also sang, usually in tune. They had quite a respectable sound, - which is encouraging for me - but no great tunes really, and no musical magnificence to shout about either. Really, i think they were probably picked as support because they just made simple minds look good. That is to say, simple minds are good anyway, but this other band just highlighted actually how good they are!

They did a good amount of their older stuff, as all good bands do - eg delirious! - as well as their stuff from their latest album. so i knew a good amount of the songs and could really start moshing on stuff like 'dont you forget about me' - even andy blount started moshing on that one! All in all, it was a cracking night and a great gig, all the more so as my ticket was free!

Monday, February 06, 2006

the quote that id forgotten

ha ha, im back at the computer again, and this time im ready to inflict my 2nd hand wisdom upon the world! That quote thing that id forgotten last week? well, theres no getting away that easy! Here it is:

'The most common mistake Christians make in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God. They look for a feeling, and if it happens, they conclude that they have worshiped. Wrong! In fact, God often removes our feelings so we won't depend on them. Seeking a feeling, even the feeling of closeness to Christ, is not worship.'

This is not to say of course that we dont or cant have feelings and experiences in worship, its just a challenge as to where our focus is.

good eh?

Friday, February 03, 2006

Hi there. just like to say thank you to all the lovely people who took the time and trouble to read this blog. You make me feel soooooooooo special! You know, i was actually going to write something useful on here today, inspired by the cs lewis quote that t has on his home page thing, but i've forgotten it. it was something along the lines of...................dang! Oh well.

I will say something else which might be useful though. I had this curry last night and oh! It was great. Just out of a jar like pretty much any curry sauce you can get, but golly gosh. It surely has to be one of the best tasting sauces ive ever had in my life! It was a tikka masala from - get this right - from lidls. oh yes! That exquisite supermarket well known for its fabulous culinary dishes! It was great though seriously, you got to try it. Its got this kind of black label on it.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

hello again! this is so far probably not the most ineresting blog in the world but who reall y cares anyway?! you know, i just read a joke off some advertisement thing that just came up on my screen and thought it was pretty good. it goes a bit like this
Dave: whats better than metal?
John: dunno, what is better than metal?
Dave: more metal!

Great stuff!