Wednesday, July 05, 2006

'Ned' and 'Trotter'

Ok, heres a recent rundown of my life at the mo then - not in its entirety, but just a general picture. Recently been getting loads of overtime, up until 2 weeks ago. now im not getting any cos sainsburys hasnt got any going cos they've overspent. so, last week i read a book - great stuff, highly interesting, although heavey going in places. lot of ideas and a few challenges. hmmn. this week ive been struggling with temptation a bit. ive been getting tempted to bang my head against a wall for lack of anything better to do. advice: dont cut your hours in work if you havent got a clear idea of what you're going to do instead. A vague idea just aint good enough. So yes, im looking out for the opportunity to once again, work close to full-time in sainsburys. bring it on!

i went out for a cycle last week, when the weather was nice and warm. just a short one cos i havent actually been on any cycles for their own sake since last summer really. so i stayed kind of local and went down to what i consider to be one of the most beautiful places i know, which is conham river park/walk. The river runs by on your right hand side, and on your left is a whole bunch of trees and forest-type stuff. Theres this narrow gravel path which can fit about 2 people side by side, and its really quiet cos no-one really goes down there apart from a few fishermen who are sat on the bank, and a few dog-owners. Every so often a train will come by through this tunnel in the cliffs on the other side of the river, and after about 200metres disappear back into the cliffs again. the river kind of twists and turns, and at tone point theres a little riverboat which can take you over to a cafe on the other side. Once you start cycling/walking past there theres even less people, the gravel path gives way to a dirt path about 2 feet wide and you're 'at one with nature'. Lovely! I was quite surprised actually, after going about 3/4 mile along that bit cos all of a sudden the bushy forest trees gave way to these trees which were about 100feet tall, and had really tall, thin, silvery kind of trunks. Quite something! Anyway, at the end of this track is a pub named 'the bull and finch', i think - or else im getting confused with 'cheers!'. But that looks out over the river and looks really lovely, only i dont know for sure cos i didnt stop in it. and then i just cycled home via the roads, which actually, at the at end of hanham, are quite nice as well. At the top of the hill from the pub i stopped by this field, and against the backdrop of the setting sun, two horses wandered over to me. so i kind of felt a little obliged to feed them. after all, thats what you do if horses wander over to you aint it? After about 5 minutes of that however i thought id best be getting home. So waving goodbye to 'ned' and 'trotter' i turned with a heavy heart, tears rolling down my face cos i knew id never see them again, and headed for home. mmm. That trip kind of refreshed my heart for cycling. The fresh air, the natural landscapes, its just all so beautiful. Thats what i like about it.

so thats me recently.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds beautiful Tim, truly beautiful.

3:16 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...

That actually sounds really nice. I know what you could do with your time.

You could spend it practising. Muahahahaha

6:56 PM  
Blogger Gem said...

aww, you could write a poem about that Tim

10:53 AM  
Blogger T said...

Why won't you see them again? Were they waiting outside a glue factory!?

3:59 PM  

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