Tuesday, April 18, 2006

easter review

well, id like to do a review of the easter celebration. ahem, :all good, except one monolithic catastrophe somewhere in the middle. i could not believe how bad we sounded on sunday night, it was far and away our worst performance ever. it was so bad in fact, that we could tell from half way through the first half of the first verse! it was so bad i just wanted to stop playing and leave through the back door. Something seemed majorly out of tune and i wasnt quite sure what, but after checking my guitar after the nights performance, discovered that it was majorly out of tune. - sorry, thats 'majorly' twice in one sentence, shouldnt do that!- how had that happened? well, i put it largely down to the fact that someone - who shall remain nameless cos after all it dont matter and really it was just an accident - tripped over something near my guitar and sent it crashing to the floor and then little ol' me - me of the oh-so-accurate ear for tuning(!) picked it up after this, gave it a few strums and declared it 'wasnt too bad'. in defence of my ears i couldnt actually hear the guitar very well when i checked it, as there was a whole bunch of other noise going on, but i guess this just indicts my brain for thinking it would be alright and not checking it properly through a tuner. so really i should have checked things before playing. sorry all! Apart from that, im not quite sure how we would have sounded, quite possibly we would have been alright, but i dont know. the only other thing that wasnt sounding good frm my point of view was that we had a terrible mix upon the stage, too much of this and not enough of that etc. ah well, that was a performance to consign to the dustbin of history i think, the only thing i guess we can learn is that i really should double check my guitar before playing!

The rest of the night was pretty good though, dancers doing their usual good quality stuff, i must say, i think the dancers, particularly the older ones, are growing in confidence and stuff cos their dances really are of a better quality than a couple of years ago. not that they werent good thn, just that theyre better now.

also, the sermon was pretty good, and i guess it must have touched something in a few people cos it led to what was the best and most signifgicant thing of the night, which was that 4 people - correct me if it was more than that - put their hand up to ask jesus into their lives. And thats what it was all about. So praise God for that result.


Blogger Jen said...

just forget the CBD performance - everyone does songs and realises afterwards it really wasn't their best job - there'll be loads of other opportunities come your way!

8:45 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...

lol - you checked your guitar and declared 'It sounds alright!'

It was funny in a watching a train crash, sort of way.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Mafia! said...

Thing is...it's one of the best songs you guys have, perhaps the best. Let's hope it goes a lot better next time.

Maybe God felt yas were gettin too cocky and needed to take yas down a peg or two :p

11:54 PM  
Blogger T said...

Ahh well, you win some, you lose some...no point dwelling on it as I think we'll all be checking our instruments are in tune when we get up there.

Next gig please! :)

8:01 AM  
Blogger Mafia! said...

You guys are great anyway. I luv yas all.

1:44 PM  

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