Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The rain lashed down

it was raining as i walked up to the library in kingswood. I stepped out of the house at about 1.30 with an apple in my hand and saw the rain falling from the sky, grey clouds stretching out across the horizon............hey. I ought to be an author! anyway.........so i called out to my mother, who was inside watching the tv, and i said, 'its raining.' Immediately i ran upstairs to get my umbrella, and then i marched bravely down the stairs, called out 'bye' one last time, and then stepped out into the rain. By the time i'd finished my apple my right hand was freezing. By the time i got to the shops in kingswood my jeans were damp. By the time i reached the library my right hand, which had been holding my umbrella for the past 10 minutes after finishing my apple was so cold it started hurting, almost, when i got inside the library and put my hand on the mouse, which was radiating some electronic warmth.

The rain, much needed but sometimes i wish it would just rain at night!


Blogger TommyDB said...

*Sometimes* wished it only rained at night? I prefer the cold to the rain. Definitely.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy the rain.

Not always

but I don't mind being wet and I can't stand the cold.

4:30 PM  
Blogger KT said...

um, rain in a hot country is kinda cool

and showers are kinda like rain

so lets not diss it altogether

but yes, rain at night - perhaps worth suggesting?

4:05 PM  

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