Monday, February 27, 2006


I would just like to report on another decent homemade curry job i had last friday. This time the sauce was a korma from homepride, and that tasted pretty much like the real thing too. Man these jar-ed sauces are good. got to get some more.

i would also like to take this opportunity to say congratulations to those who were brave enough to indulge in a bit of karoke at the weekend. Loz and cath went out of their way to inject a bit of life into a night which was mostly taken up by strange old men singing depressing italian dirges with an accordian playing in the background. The host-guy was sufficiently moved so that he then started pole-dancing in the background. im just glad it was in the background. Tom and ad then got the call about 3 songs later, and brought tears to our eyes as they sang their way through an emotional 'kiss from a rose'. I wont say why we had tears in our eyes. Mind you, tom got his first taste of stardom after we took our seats again. one of the older female patrons, passing by our table on the way to the lavs, caught sight of us and began gushing praise all over tom. She continued gushing praise on her way back from the lavs, and got so excited that she slapped an innocent punter who was leaning against the bar to tell him that here, indeed, was a star.

Frantic speculation swiftly followed as to how much she'd had that night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I just say that Adam and Tom should have done Robson and Jerome because they may have gotten away with that without looking slightly camp as they did when they were singing Seal. It was so funny how serious they looked singing it.. At least me and Kathryn livened things up with our poor attempt and remind me never to sing a song with the work berometer in ever again. Good night good night.

2:10 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...

Oh Tim. Your blog brought a tear to my eye. Tears of laughter. lol

9:47 PM  
Blogger Mafia! said...

Aww, I missed Tom singing ... when will I ever hear him again?!?! Oh wait ... I can hear him from here!

Tom ... i love ya, but you're loud!!

12:25 AM  

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