Friday, March 17, 2006

82 days

uh yes, im still here ive not gone yet. But thanks for all your lovely well-wishing messages anyway, i feel very special that you took the time to comment!

this blog is about chocolate - now loz, dont get tempted here - and the sack of it i had for christmas. Yesterday, finally, i finished off all the chocolate and bags of sweets i had given for christmas. 82 days it took to munch my way through it all, an average of a bag a week i think. I never want that much chocolate again, ever! i've decided to ask my sister - the one in kingswood- and my parents to not get me an egg this year for easter. which is a good thing anyway cos easter aint about chocolate anyway. i thought of doing that a couple of years ago but didnt have the bottle. ah well, now the thought has come round again i'll capitalise on it this time! The last bag of christmas chocs i had by the way was a bag of revels. I have never had these in my life, although they're my sisters favourites, its just that chocolate in general doesnt appeal to me an awful lot - give me a bag of haribo anyday. Anyway, i started these on monday and the first one i had - cos theres 6 flavours - was awful. it was this really sweet horrible orange flavour. now normally i like orange but this was just so sweet it was gross. anyway, they also do coffee ones, which are not quite as sweet, but as equally disgusting because theyre coffee, and well, who has ever made a decent coffee flavoured sweet? They do some decent caramel flavours though. Theyre these little hard round ones which are really chewy. now, theyre nice. Also as nice are the chocs which are maltesers, although theyre not maltesers cos theyre revels, but really they are maltesers, so theyre good. the other good ones - but only in comparison to the nasty ones really - are the chocolates which are so blatently minstrels. They are minstrels, but just posing as revels. Honestly, this bag of revels is such a rip-off of other chocolates its unbelievable. The only originals its got are the disgusting sweet ones which are going to force you to wear false teeth about 10 years early. anyway, the only other ones in the bag are the chocolate-covered raisins, which are okay, but nothing exciting really. they were one of the ones which, when you put in your mouth and tasted it was like phew! its not an orange or a coffee. With every chocolate in that bag it was 50-50 whether you were going to like it or be absolutely disgusted by it when you put it in your mouth. Cos of course, the thing is with revels, theyre all covered with chocolate so you cant actually tell what it is until you eat it.
82 days of chocolate, and they had to finish like that. No more!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim I really could have helped you out on the chocolate front. In future just donate it to Loz.

Also,the whole point of revels are the surprise you get, and you guess whether it's a coffee or orange cream.

You so need revel lessons.

4:41 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

lol - choco calorific heaven

7:34 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

will really miss you - have to say it's great to work with you - stay safe but do outrageous things!

7:35 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...

Like kareoke!

1:16 AM  
Blogger Gem said...

yeh I'm not too keen on Revels either Tim, but apparently Rita does!

2:58 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...


Don't you mean Grandma? :P

10:11 PM  
Blogger Gem said...

How do you know eh! It could be my very good friend from school Rita or my aunty Rita...

1:20 PM  
Blogger TommyDB said...

lol - well... erm... is it?

3:26 PM  

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