Friday, March 31, 2006

from down under, 2

Ok, so the kangaroo was great. it was a little on the 'well done' side, but nice and meaty like. tonight we had pizza for tea, from pizza hut - you know its funny having these multi-nationals all over the place, like mcdonalds and burger king etc., its actually quite comforting - particularly as i found after 12 hours on a plane with its naff food, it was great to just land in kuala lumpur and see a familiar restaurant. not that i normally go to these places, its just nice to see a bit of food you know is going to be half decent. Anyway, these pizzas cost $20 for 5 large ones. that works out at about 1 pound 80 each. lovely!

we went to the centre of adelaide yesterday, and i kind of gave my mum and dad a partially 'guided' tour. not that i knew anything much about the place, its just that i had looked up the place in the map before we got there and planned the route we were going to take! there was a funny moment when we got off the train and stepped out onto the main street on the north side of the city centre and some australian guy with a map came up to us and asked if we knew what street this is? - and i could actually tell him cos i knew! bizarre. we wandered round the different markets and malls they had there, my parents buying loads of 'australia' t-shirts, i was kind of looking for a hat - not one with corks - but didnt really see any decent ones i liked so didnt get any. all ive got so far is a shirt, general t-shirt, and a cd of u2, which was about $12. so thats cool. but what are possessinos though anyway? they are not much really when alls said and done. much more important are the experiences, the friendship and the memories!

im supposed to be acting in some big brother style play thing that some guys from my sisters church are doing tomorrow. theyre going to be filming it and then putting it on the internet and maybe using it for films of something else im not sure. my sister and her hubby have recently joined with another 2 folks and set up an internet based theatrical company, who specialise in short productions with a christian message. apparently im going to be the butt of all the jokes in this play cos theyre portraying me as an english dude who as a result of his english accent is therefore unintelligible and requiring of subtitles. okaaaay. my instructions were to 'mumble audibly'. hmmn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Australia is becoming home to you Tim.

10:47 AM  
Blogger T said...

*dances around with hands waving in the air*

"Lauren's getting Je-lous! Lauren's getting Je-lous!"

You'd better bring back some of that cheap pizza for me..I'm hungry!

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jealous naaaaa if Timbo moves to Oz it will mean another person I can visit. I have like 5 friends in Oz now that's if Timbo moves there.

4:11 PM  

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