Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a barmy barney in the bakery

I just went into the bakers in staple hill - not greggs, the other one - and theyre usually nice enough folk, but today i asked for a piece of shortbread - with cherries - and the woman got it. Nothing wrong with that i know. But the other woman, who was just standing there, looked at me kind of funny, sighed, and goes, 'i just mopped that.' I looked at her, somewhat puzzled, and asked, 'what?' Giving me one of those i-can't-believe-you-just-did-that looks, she rolls her eyes towards the floor and looks at a trail of soaking wet, flat cardboard crisp boxes leading from the front door to the cake counter. Her glance then shifts to the dirty footprint marks that now stand beside this trail of sodden boxes. Oh no! Shock! Horror! what has the world come to?! A set of dirty footprints on a lino floor! Her eyes, her silence, and her hand on her hip all accuse me of the heinous crime. I almost expected the police to come bursting through the door any moment with their cs gas cannisters ready. Honestly! what do you say to someone like that? The customer is always right? Well, i just left the shop, cheerfully calling out 'sorry' as i went!


Blogger Gem said...

LOL- Tim ur a legend!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, not all females are as lovely as Jenny and me. Be blessed by the few good ones.

Tim can you chuck this in the bin for me.

Tim can you get me some ketchup

Tim can you walk up the shop and get me some ice-cream

Thank you for being so nice to us bossy demanding girlies. :)

4:03 PM  
Blogger Timmay!! said...

aww loz. didn't know you cared!

2:48 PM  

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