Friday, November 03, 2006

electric heating

i have an electric blanket at home and its great. I turned it on yesterday for the first time this year, and boy does it make a difference to ones ability to get some sleep. ya'know i used to think they were a bit daft, but i got one for Christmas 2 years ago from my nan, and it has revolutionised my nights. No longer to i have to stack up 4 blankets on top of my quilt, i just switch the blanket on and ah...bliss! My advice to you - go and get one!


Blogger T said...

Do you use it just to heat up your bed before you get in, or do you leave it on all night :-S?

5:23 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

i can appreciate you like them - but honestly, they remind me of old ladies!

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am with Jen, I used to sleep round my grans house and she used electric blankets and altho they warmed the bed they smelt funny and made a crinkily noise - Now the hot water bottle is a much better invention.

4:39 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

yeah i used to do the same thing and i remember the caused friction!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Timmay!! said...

Just turn it on before you get in mate, leave it on for a bit and then turn it off. Toastie!

As for the somewhat cynical amongst you, well, I can only suggest you try it again!

3:12 PM  
Blogger KT said...

They are amazin!

My Gran used to have one - works a miracle!! (well almost)

6:01 PM  

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