Friday, May 26, 2006

monumental monday

i had a monumental experience on monday. very emotional. i had to fight back the tears that were threatening to choke me up. yes, i took down the the map of bristol that had adorned my bedroom wall for the past 7 years. it left marks on the wall where the blu-tac had been holding it up too. it kind of pulled the wallpaper off in those places leaving the fibre side of the paper exposed. good job the wallpaper's white otherwise it would look even worse than what it does now. and i didnt even stop there! no, i even pulled down my other map - of the world - that was on my other wall. i actually managed to get the blu-tac off without causing too much damage - id kind of developed a bit of a technique by then. and so i then had 2 empty walls without anything on. although, i must admit, i still have one small map of adelaide on the wall below where the map of the world used to be.

why did i do this? why engage in such random acts of desecration which would only cause hurt? well, because i recently acquired a certain painting by a certain artist which demanded a blank wall from which to shine forth its rays, a backdrop which would give light to its boldness, a surround which could illumine its brilliance. it cried out to me so that i could not sleep, until it had truly become a focal point in my room. And hence i removed the maps which had been my walls for the past half-decade, to create the space for this masterpiece.

Monday, May 22, 2006

in support of the umbrella

hurrah for the umbrella, an invention even better than sliced bread.

Monday, May 15, 2006

silence - the greatest inspiration of all?

if i had a bit of silence i might be able to think of something to write. i was all set to blog about something or other, and then i got interupted by jen putting on some 'lamb' music and andy blount coming in and chatting to me about some 'curly' password for his laptop! please?! loz did offer me a cup of tea though so all's not bad news.

ok. so i think the changes to the sunday night services are quite good. it should be interesting with a greater emphasis on teaching and stuff. the tables and coffee are also interesting points.

and i didnt go to an interview i wa scheduled for this morning with natwest. decided i didnt really want to join them. so thats that really. i did phone them first to let them know i wasnt going to go. i might just stay in sainsburys if i can - hopefully.

having fun with my new pedal by the way. oh yeah.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a barmy barney in the bakery

I just went into the bakers in staple hill - not greggs, the other one - and theyre usually nice enough folk, but today i asked for a piece of shortbread - with cherries - and the woman got it. Nothing wrong with that i know. But the other woman, who was just standing there, looked at me kind of funny, sighed, and goes, 'i just mopped that.' I looked at her, somewhat puzzled, and asked, 'what?' Giving me one of those i-can't-believe-you-just-did-that looks, she rolls her eyes towards the floor and looks at a trail of soaking wet, flat cardboard crisp boxes leading from the front door to the cake counter. Her glance then shifts to the dirty footprint marks that now stand beside this trail of sodden boxes. Oh no! Shock! Horror! what has the world come to?! A set of dirty footprints on a lino floor! Her eyes, her silence, and her hand on her hip all accuse me of the heinous crime. I almost expected the police to come bursting through the door any moment with their cs gas cannisters ready. Honestly! what do you say to someone like that? The customer is always right? Well, i just left the shop, cheerfully calling out 'sorry' as i went!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

