Tuesday, June 27, 2006

a blog

Just thought id write a quick blog.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

1 thessalonians

Ive just read through the book, or letter, of 1 thessalonians lately. for such a short letter theres a lot of stuff in it. probably the 2 things that stood out to me the most were the fact that they were quite open with their faith - i think its in chapter 1 where it says that, 'from you the word of the lord has sounded forth...' to the surrounding areas. this is quite challenging i suppose - to be more confident in talking to people about God, although without throwing it at them, y'know, sensitivity is always required. And the second thing was that they 'became imitators of the churches of God...'. This was quite encouraging as it encourages us to follow good role models in their conduct and behaviour/faith. obviously not to the point where we just follow them, but only inasmuch as they help us to follow God.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

shakin' all over

firstly id like to congratulate those who organised the rhythm nation event - what a success! darn good i thought it was, with a great array of talent displayed. but i was very impressed with how smoothly it ran, without a hitch, apart from 2chokes 1st song, alas. But still, very good 2 all who took part.

just occasionally, its weird, but my thighs, or sometimes my knees, get the quivers. i first noticed this when i went to australia for the first time, 2 years ago. i was just sat there, in an armchair in the living room, reading patriot games, when it was probably my left, thigh just started quivering and i couldnt stop it. very bizarre. this however, wasnt the only time during the course of that holiday that it did so. quite frequently in fact, this occurred, whether the chair was in the reclining position or in the normal mode.

*aside* - *is this a library?!!!? kids running round, crying or shouting, workmen on the roof banging for britain, adults - grown, respectable members of society, sitting on the table next to me just chatting away as if we're in a park, the same running kid is now shouting as hes - SHUT UP!!!!! Please!!!!!*

Anyway, so yeh, on an infrequent basis my thigh just tends to go into mild spasms if im sat down. it would probably stop if i stood up, ive not really tried that, hmmn, its not major but a tad weird. anyway, i was having my dinner earlier - a lovely toasted cheese sandwich - and both my thighs started quivering. gosh! what can you do?!